Brother Jed
Brother Jed is a legend – and a nut. Hes been preaching at universities around the nation since the 70’s. Brother Jed can been seen preaching at Speakers Circle on the University of Missouri campus almost daily. He’s hilarious.
“The everlasting Lake of FI-RRRRRRRRRRRRRE”
This is rather discriminatory against some Christians…
Nice try, Brother Jed.
Not really. It’s discriminatory against the people who claim to be Christians and instead of actually doing what they say they are supposed to do, spread hate and harass people. I am a Christian, and people like the preacher guy in the comic irritate me to no end.
And I’m quite sure Christians have been very careful to not offend anyone of any other background over the centuries. For example, The Jews, Gays, Blacks, Muslims, Atheists, “witches”, and pretty much anyone different than you. So with all this in my little atheist head, I will be sure to make room for your pathetic, itty bitty feelings.
Yeah, the “God hates you and you’re gonna burn in hell forever” type.
Daryl, Never once did the comic mention christianity. All you christians are quick to be offended and quick to judge…i’m sure there is some scripture in “the book of suggestions” that says something about judging people.
It’s pretty judgmental towards Christians to say that they’re ALL “quick to judge and quick to be offended”. If people are gonna tell Christians they’re judgmental (quicky note: lots of them are) but try not to be what you’re accusing them of being just in accusing them. I’m a Christian, and I’m not offended by this comment, or judging Belal for it. People like that preacher are annoying to me to. They give actual Christians a terrible image.
P.S. It’s not a book of suggestions, any more than a science book. It’s just explains how life works, and that there’s some rules to it.
Rules? Yes. Science? No. There is no science in the Bible. Not a word of it. I’m not saying that in a bad way, there just is no science. Just like there is no mathematics in there either.
I wasn’t saying that it had science in it (quick note: it does) I’m just saying, it’s just an explanation of life and consequences.
I prefer to look for an answer rather than believe a 2000 year old book that was probably translated about 50 times, and originally written by morons who thought the world was flat and the sun revolved around the earth. An unimaginative people who also bought into all this religious bullshit. “Say not, ‘I have found the truth,’ but rather, ‘I have found a truth.'” that’s part of a quote from Kahlil Gibran, one of the wisest people to ever walk the face of the earth. Take a page from his book.
An overwhelmingly large amount of Christians are very quick to judge and get offended.
I’m a Christian and not at all offended. Christianity is about love, not burning in Hell. I completely agree some Christians don’t share the Gospel with love, but that does mean our “book of suggestions” is what instructs us to do that.There are plenty of passages thatvsay nobody is above reproach and nobody is perfect.
Haha! . . . Oh, you were serious. Read the Old Testament, see how much God “loves” mankind.
So wait… Which one of us is judging here?
I’m Christian as well and I’m not offered by it either.
You’re name is Christina… and you’re Christian?!… Crazy.
I agree with Chris and Chris. I’m a Christian too, and while I agree that people like “Brother Jed” create a bad stereotype for us, commenting on their crazy antics just makes for good humor. Great strip, Belal. Some people are a little oversensitive.
Yeah my name literally means follower of Chirst
It’s ironic that both of your names have the root name Christ. LOL
I noticed that too!
Haha mine too. Christopher.
I just want to say how awesome this comic is. I would daresay my favorite part is how he just stands there and then jumps when he’s on fire instead of getting out of the fire.
The “God hates you” panel is my favourite facial expression ever. If that were blown up into a big poster I would buy the shit out of that.
Make it happen.
*loads money cannon, fires at screen*
Haha 😀 Nicely done 🙂 Quite awesome action scene – i can see his hands moving and earth breaking apart 😀
Awesome comic. I’m surprised there aren’t people taking advantage of the situation & flocking around with marshmallows on sticks.
I’m not a fan of melted marshmallows. When it comes to fire, I am pro-hotdog, and pro-corn.
Great Comic cuz.. I had too many brothers like brother Jed back in como hahahaha fallowing me everywhere i go and watch everything i do..
You probably see a lot of Brother Jed’s in Texas.
Not as much as you’d think.
For those of you who were offended, you’ve obviously never heard or seen Brother Jed in action. I once heard him say that it was the fault of men in my generation that women were becoming lesbians, because the men don’t know how to put a woman in her place. And that was one of his more tame sermons/speeches.
That’s classic Brother Jed logic.
Heh, I’ve met him. Made out with my girlfriend in view of him.
It was sooooooooooo worth it. XD
Two words for your site: AB FAB!! Love it. 🙂
Ive successfully manipulated another person into liking my comics. YESSSSSS!
What’s not to like?! You’re brilliant! 🙂
We have a guy like this at my school. Brother Micah. -_-
Hahahaha this is so funny!
Jed came to our university. He was spouting nonsense. stuff like gays were going to hell and whatnot. so two men who’d been dating for 2 years went in front of him and starting making out. 😛 HE FREAKED OUT! XD
Err, would you mind removing the “updated tues and fri”? It isn’t true so why put it there?
I agree, it’s ridiculous to waste my time coming here on tues and fri, only to see a comic that’s almost 2 weeks old.
woah woah guys, take it easy. im sure its not easy coming up with these comics and drawing them. give the guy a break!…i for one, absolutely LOVE your comics, the talent is totally amazing!! keep up the amazing work, ill take whatever comics i can get!
I think you misunderstood my point. I’m not saying his work is not amazing, its the opposite.
What I said was to remove the “updated tues and fri”.
you’re comics is amazing btw
Im concerned in my inconsistency too. Trying to update on time.
I think that the graphic at the top of the page is just that- a graphic… It’s not all that easy to “just go in and change it” if so… haha graphic designer here… 🙂
its been 13 days plz post a new one , i understand u r really busy, but plz just try
I’m trying… I really am.
Post a new one or BURN IN HELL! SINNER!!
yeah sure bro. we understand 🙂
we’re just hungry for ur comics. haha
waste your time? it takes you two seconds to see if there’s a new comic or not. calm down. the majority of web comic artists dont get all of their comics updated on time, every time. they DO have their lives to attend to, and sometimes they cant spend as much time as theyd like making these comics for us, which are free, might i add. so i, for one, am not too worried about it, considering the artist is taking his own time to provide comics for us.
Charing for comics… that sounds like… A GREAT IDEA. Genius.
Haha must be finals week on your end too! 🙂 Noticed on FB that you hadn’t posted anything since Ramen a while ago and got concerned! You okay?
That Ramen almost killed me. Luckily I snapped outta that high sodium coma. New comic is online!
This reminds me of my school on so many levels. I’m so tired of reading/hearing such intense dislike and possible hatred for people of different preferences. I’m a Christian, but folks like Brother Jed leave a bad taste in my mouth. That includes the folks on the otherside of that coin.
As a Christian I don’t really find it discriminatory. I attend a faith community that emphasizes what I believe to be the true message of Christ–God’s love for everyone & outreach to community. we have an ‘and’ campaign that pairs up the opposites. for example God loves Republicans AND Democrats…and so do we 🙂
there’s others.
motto is: receive love, give love, repeat
anyway my point is condemning people on the street would be along the lines of the pharisees that Jesus called hypocrite. under the title of Christian (little Christ) I would strive to be more like His nature of love and inclusion so whatever
This guy comes to my school, in Texas. The christians here used to debate with him, but now we just shake our heads and leave him be… guys like that feed off of the attention. ALTHOUGH … he’s almost worth having around just for the great stories that come from it. Love the comic.
Ill get them some day, the holy lord is my strength, and i will take you down