that’s why I rent my textbooks online if possible. Haha.
i used to work at the university bookstore, i hated my life
Lol, I have that textbook
This should include one more frame of the professor saying we don’t need the book after the return deadline.
both of my CS professors did that this semester. there goes $200…
I look at it this way. If I had wanted to do online work I would have signed up for a goddamned online class.
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that’s why I rent my textbooks online if possible. Haha.
i used to work at the university bookstore, i hated my life
Lol, I have that textbook
This should include one more frame of the professor saying we don’t need the book after the return deadline.
both of my CS professors did that this semester. there goes $200…
I look at it this way. If I had wanted to do online work I would have signed up for a goddamned online class.